Dr Coy’s sugars promote health and wellbeing

Sugar… that’s good for you? Eating too much of certain sugars can be damaging to our health. But with Dr Coy’s sugars, it’s possible to enjoy sweet treats that are energy-boosting, tooth-friendly and nutritious.

Sugar is an essential fuel for body and mind

But too much or the wrong kind of sugar can increase the risk of many different diseases. By understanding how sugar affects the body, and replacing conventional sugars with health-promoting alternatives, we can choose the right sugars to help us achieve our health goals.

At Intelligent Sugar, our mission is to spread awareness of the adverse effects of consuming too much classic sugar, such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. And it’s not just sugars that are the problem – non-sweet glucose starches found in potatoes, bread, pasta and grains can bump up blood glucose levels and cause health troubles too. We encourage people to see Dr Coy’s sugars as a beneficial alternative to both sweet and non-sweet classic sugars.

Make the Intelligent Sugar Switch

Sign up for our four-part informative email series to learn about the full impact sugar has on your health.

Same, but different?

Let’s compare two sugars, to see how each affects the body.

Tagatose is one of Dr Coy’s sugars, because it offers many different health benefits and reduces the negative effects of conventional sugars. Sucrose is a classic sugar, often associated with health risks such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and tooth decay. Both are naturally occurring, but one is the smarter choice. It’s not the tagatose that’s intelligent, but the consumer who chooses it as a way to replace unhealthy sugars and still enjoy a sweet taste.


Classic Sugar

    Strongly increases blood glucose levels, raising risk of cancer,
    cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, memory loss and Alzheimer’s


    Results in higher HbA1c blood glucose marker indicative of increased sugar damages


    Accelerates the ageing process


    Has a high calorie content and increases fat build-up


    Promotes insulin resistance


    Promotes tooth decay


    Leads to poor blood fat profile and reduces good cholesterol


    Promotes growth of harmful bacteria and fungi (e.g. yeast) in the colon


    Promotes inflammation


Dr Coy’s Sugar
  • Prevents high blood glucose levels, which helps reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease

  • Lowers HbA1c blood glucose marker indicative of reduced sugar damages

  • Helps slow ageing by suppressing radicals and cell damage

  • Has a low calorie content and fat burning properties

  • Prevents and inhibits insulin resistance

  • Prevents tooth decay

  • Improves blood fat profile and can increase good cholesterol

  • Promotes growth of good bacteria in the colon

  • Suppresses inflammation

How Dr Coy’s sugars affect specific health concerns and activities

Improves nutritional choices without sacrificing flavour.

Can help achieve wellness goals.

By replacing classic with Dr Coy’s sugar, can help achieve health benefits.

Can enable guilt free consumption of sweet and tasty foods with less calories.

Get in touch with Intelligent Sugar

Got a question about Dr Coy’s sugars? Contact info@intelligentsugar.info

If you have a question about a specific health condition, please speak to your doctor.