Can eating the right sugar help you lose weight?

You don’t have to follow a restrictive, low-sugar diet to lose unwanted weight. Dr Coy’s
sugars can help you lose fat and maintain your ideal weight, without giving up your
favourite foods.

People who want to lose weight are usually encouraged to restrict their diets and limit sugar consumption. But research shows that sugar awareness could be a more effective strategy than counting calories and avoiding cakes and biscuits.

Dr Coy’s sugars can help us achieve and maintain our ideal weight by supporting efficient fat metabolism and staving off sugar cravings.

The problem with restrictive diets

Poor diet and obesity can increase the risk of many health problems, such as high blood
pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. The response is often to limit the amount of calories consumed each day, but following a strict diet can be frustrating and stressful, and not necessarily achieve the desired results.

Fad diets may help with quick weight loss, but studies show that people tend to regain weight over time, and sometimes gain back more. Extreme diets that eliminate carbs and sugar can damage vital glucose-dependent neurons in the brain and have a lasting negative impact on stress levels, aging, and overall health.

Could sugar awareness be a better route to lasting weight loss?

Instead of tracking calories, we can manage our weight by making smart choices about our sugar intake. This could be as simple as adding or replacing our usual sugars with Dr Coy’s sugars, and replacing our go-to flours with Dr Coy’s flour mixtures.

Dr Coy’s sugars and flours help keep blood sugar levels stable and offer multiple health benefits. They also keep energy levels high, so we can be more physically active, which is the other crucial ingredient for lasting weight loss.

How do Dr Coy’s sugars and starches promote weight loss?


Tagatose acts as a ‘sugar blocker’ by preventing an increase in blood glucose levels and inhibiting insulin production after carbohydrate consumption. Consuming strategic amounts of tagatose daily has been shown to support weight loss and stabilise blood glucose levels.

A study confirmed that 45g of tagatose per day could lead to a weight loss of 5.1kg per year. The dose used in the study was 45g (3 x 15g) and we recommend no more than 70g of tagatose per day.

Another recent study also demonstrated that insulin leads to the first steps of cell division and DNA duplication in fat cells. As a result, the fat cells produce substances causing inflammation and organ dysfunction as well as premature aging. Therefore, high levels of insulin cause a very negative effect in fat cells. Dr Coy’s sugars, such as tagatose prevent inflammation, organ dysfunction and premature aging due to the absence or low effect of insulin increase in the blood.


  • Stabilises blood glucose levels and decreases sugar-caused damages (e.g., HbA1c).
  • Promotes the growth of good bacteria in the colon and increases healthy HDL
  • Harbours a low amount of energy which reduces the calorie uptake
  • Removes dental plaque and protects against tooth decay


Galactose has the same calorie content as glucose or cane sugar but converting galactose into glucose requires a lot of energy. As a result, sugar cells don’t like using galactose for fermentation because the cell must invest as much energy as is subsequently released. The bottom line is that galactose provides no energy when it is used for fermentation. Therefore, the cell has no choice but to reactivate the mitochondria (combustion engines) to obtain energy from galactose. As a result of the activation of the combustion engines, the mobilisation and burning of fat is also increased.

Galactose is a sugar which forces the mitochondria to be active and activates fat
mobilization and fat burning. Studies demonstrate that galactose consumption leads to
increased fat mobilization and fat burning during eating.

Galactose has a low glycaemic index (30), which prevents high insulin levels in the blood.
This also prevents the inflammation, organ dysfunction and premature aging caused by
insulin activated fat cells.


  • Efficient fat burner
  • Doesn’t spike blood sugar in the same way as traditional sugars


Consuming foods high in classic sugars often lead to an insulin surge, which slows fat oxidation and causes inflammation. Using isomaltulose instead of sucrose or glucose supports more efficient fat burning, because insulin levels are lower. Isomaltulose is a good source of energy for the brain and muscles.


  • Stabilises blood sugar levels
  • Does not lead to increased insulin levels in the blood

Resistant dextrin

Resistant dextrin is a great low calorie alternative to starch. It promotes the growth of good bacteria in the colon and has a prebiotic function. With a low calorie content and pleasant flavour, it’s a powerful tool for weight management. It can be used in bread, cookies, desserts, and drinks.


  • Stabilises blood sugar
  • Pleasant taste
  • Undigestible, prebiotic fibre with very low calorie content

Glucomannan (konjac flour)

Glucomannan is a resistant starch. It is full of fiber and gluten free which makes it a great replacement for traditional flours when baking. It’s a water-soluble fiber made from elephant yams. It’s very thick so you don’t need much of it, and it helps you stay full for longer. A study found that 3g of glucomannan per day helped to reduce waistlines.

  • A water-soluble fiber
  • Gluten free

Our recipes pages is packed with ideas for incorporating Dr Coy’s sugars into your diet.

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